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About ABPL

ABPL Alluvial Biofuel is Fuel is a term for living matter (usually plant matter). Biodiesel, ethanol, and vegetable oil are examples of biofuels, however they are not the only ones. Based on the biomass source, ABPL Alluvial Biofuel can be divided into three categories. Because ABPL Alluvial Biofuel is derived from current plant growth, it is regarded as a renewable energy source. However, determining whether or not biofuels are sustainable is a challenging task (please see renewable and sustainable energy). In North America, ethanol is the most popular biofuel because most gasoline includes up to 10% ethanol. This fuel is labelled E10, with the number indicating the proportion of ethanol in the fuel. Vehicles that can run on E85 are known as flex fuel vehicles. Because ethanol is more difficult to ignite in engines, the remaining 15% of fuel must be gasoline. Even when using biofuels in an engine, carbon dioxide is produced.
However, because they're made from recent biomass that absorbed CO2 as it grew, the CO2 emitted in combustion is "the same" as what they absorbed. As a result, biofuels are far closer to carbon neutrality than fossil fuels (no net increase in atmospheric carbon). Any remaining inconsistencies between biofuels' intake and output CO2 must be assessed using a Life cycle analysis.Biofuels and fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) are both made from organic matter, although the biological matter died recently in the case of biofuels. Biofuels derive from recently deceased organic matter, whereas fossil fuels come from organic matter that died millions of years ago (see the Time scale of the universe page). Biofuels emit the same amount of carbon dioxide as fossil fuels when it comes to climate change. However, because the CO2 from biofuels was recently released into the atmosphere, the amount of carbon flowing through the Carbon Cycle remains unchanged.
The carbon in this cycle is found in the atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere, rather than in the Earth's consolidated carbon source, which is where fossil fuels come from. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, release stored CO2, hence burning them increases the quantity of CO2 in the carbon cycle. While substituting biofuels for fossil fuels will not reduce CO2 emissions from a car's tailpipe.

-Director, ABPL Alluvial Biofuel
- Jamun Mahto

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Our Chief Guest Nalin Soren

प्रदुषण मुक्त बनाने के लिए बायोफ्यूल है मददगार -- नलिन सोरेन दुमका ,झारखंड मुक्ति मोर्चा के कद्दावर नेता नलिन सोरेन ने कहा बायोफ्यूल उर्जा जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए बहुत अहम स्रोत बन कर सामने आया हैं । श्री सोरेन सोमवार को उपराजधानी के बंदरजोरी के निकट अलुवियल बायोफ्यूल प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कार्यालय के उद्घाटन करने के बाद उक्त बातें कही। उन्होंने कहा कि इनका सबसे अधिक लाभ तेल आयात करने वाले राज्य को हो सकता है और खासकर विकासशील राज्य को बायोफ्यूल पेट्रोलियम की मांगों को कम करके विकासशील देशों के लिए ऊर्जा आपूर्ति को और अधिक सस्ता और सशक्त बनाया जा सकता है। मौके पर निदेशक जामुन महतो ने कहा कि ए बायोफ्यूल पेट्रोल और डीजल का सबसे सस्ता विकल्प है और यह पर्यावरण की भी रक्षा करता है । श्री महतो ने कहा कि यह सभी प्रकार के वाहनों के लिए भी उपयुक्त है ।इस मौके पर बायोफ्यूल लिमिटेड के स्थानीय निदेशक जामुन महतो, जिला परिषद के निवर्तमान उपाध्यक्ष असीम मंडल, कंपनी के मैनेजर नीरज कुमार, राकेश कुमार,भवेश कुमार, अमरनाथ साह,निभा जायसवाल, मजदूर नेता राज कुमार जायसवाल, मिथिलेश वर्मा आदि उपस्थित थे।

Nalin Soren With ABPL Director Jamun Mahto

Green Fuel Overseas